435's Animal House
Welcome to the Latest in a series of 147.435
Official web sites. This one I hope will have a
something a little different for you. I also hope
this will help you understand the sounds
emanating from this box on Saddle Peak. Listen to
Live 147.435 Audio
It appears that many of you closet listeners
miss our Real Audio feed. I have received no less
then 25 E-mail messages in the last 48 hours
telling me the the feed is down. NO SHIT? Rumor
has it that WH6CSG had to "move in a hurry".
Something about a psycho woman living at his
house. His new place is rumored to be in Redondo
Beach and should (will soon) allow for exception
Comments regarding this Web site can be EMailed
to KD6GDB@435.org
- Any
Comments regarding the 435 Real Audio
feed can be EMailed to WH6CSG@435.org